English summary
MRF (Motorbranschens Riksförbund) is the Swedish Association for Motor Retail Trades and Repairs. We demand high standards of our members, especially in terms of sound business practice, the environment, quality and skills.
We have around 1,500 members nationwide in Sweden, all of whom have undertaken to follow the standards and guidelines we set, which includes the MRF Guarantee and MRF’s customer protection. All of our companies apply the MRF delivery and repair terms as approved by the Swedish Consumer Agency.
If you would like to know which companies are MRF members, click search for MRF Member.
Our business areas
The automotive industry is extensive and includes many types of companies. To provide the best possible support, we have a number of specialized business areas.
Automobile trading
Heavy vehicles
Automotive repair shops
Bodywork and spraying
Automotive plastics
Automotive industry consulting
Our members enjoy consultant services free of charge in various matters that affect their operations. This may concern disputes with customers (consumers and businesses), suppliers, insurance companies and authorities. Sometimes, it may naturally include advice as a preventive measure. We conduct training in automotive trade law, repair shop law, plastic repairs and customer care.
We advance automotive industry affairs
One of our most important duties is to influence public opinion in matters that affect our industry. We are a referral body for the automotive industry with an extensive contact network, and we work actively to influence public authorities and decision makers. We take care of things companies cannot handle on their own.